The Workshop is now on YouTube

the workshop author volker fremuthIt is always difficult to balance the information you give away in an effort to entice an audience to engage your writing. It becomes a question of how much you show to peak interest and how much you hide so that the storyline is allowed to unfold before the reader once they have the book in hand.

To that end I have been trying to grab the public’s attention on Facebook with blurbs and images that stand on their own as little nuggets of philosophy and wisdom while driving awareness of the novel’s existence and content. I hope these encourage sharing to widen the audience.

It seems my foray into writing is fast becoming a grassroots marketing effort. How am I doing?

Most recently, I am putting some of my creativity toward the media of digital video by launching a YouTube Channel. In so doing am rediscovering some of the books and movies in the form of YouTube content, which I have found most inspirational or important, at least in my own opinion. These I highlighted.

I am also building a repertoire of ideas for YouTube trailers to drive awareness and interest in my new novel “The Workshop”.

Again the conundrum of how much to give away in story, how to build a consistent brand, and a feel of what will intrigue the reader is now further complicated by what can be done from a legal and cost effectiveness’ point of view. Indeed images and film clips cost money to buy and produce Graphics less so, but making them interesting is more difficult. Still, I like the creative challenges. This should be fun.

I hope you enjoy the new channel.

Author: Volker Fremuth

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